Hockey Maniac in the House!
Each year, from October to May, the life-force in our household shifts. We go from being a peaceful and relatively predicable household to …

Alternative Fact: Oxymoron or Not?
A serious debate is stirring in politics, on social media, in the news, and on television. People from all walks of life are pondering the …

Is An Academic Push Okay When It Comes To Our Kids?
As someone who has recently felt the consequences of not finishing her 4-year degree, I can honestly say that my daughter’s academic situati…

What Am I Going To Be When I Grow Up… Again?
It’s an odd feeling to be faced with the question of, “What am I going to be when I grow up?” at the age of 44. When you’re younger, you fe…

A New Path – Changing Careers at Forty Something
My story is probably somewhat typical (well, relatively). I went to college at a four-year university, although I was never able to complete…